Summer: A Little Pond



Press -> key to go to the next sentence (there are 4 sentences in total). Click to explore.

You can change the size of the spring manually and see how that influences the volume.

After you finish and find a bell🔔, you can click on it to listen to a child song singing this poem in Chinese. 

You can accompany this song by clicking all the characters. You can go back by pressing <- key.

小 池 


泉 眼 无 声 惜 细 流

树 阴 照 水 爱 晴 柔

小 荷 才 露 尖 尖 角

早 有 蜻 蜓 立 上 头


By Yang Wanli

The spring does gurgle into a thin flow.

The shadowy trees reflect upon the water, loving the light and warmth.

The slender lotus does a small bud show.

A dragonfly alights on its tip to stand.